Monday, December 10, 2007

The Many Faces Of Finn...

Yes I'm moody but never boring. Besides it creates dramatic photos. This is a selection of pictures from three weeks of age including my first bath in the tub, enjoy.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

20 Days Old...

So I finally decided to give Mom a break and was quiet and happy while awake, a rare occasion for me when I'm not feeding. Can you really blame me for being a typical guy who likes to get his drink on and then take a nap.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Fashionably Late ...

I'm here! Yeah I know five days late but I'm sure you will all agree well worth the wait ... I mean really look at this face! Only a few hours out of the womb and look how good I look.

Here I am with my Mom's Mom, Grandma Ninny. I know my Mom will be a good Mom because she learned everything she knows from Ninny. Ninny knew being a good Mom is a job that never really ends when the kids grow up. She came here early to make sure to be here when I was born not just to see my cute face but to help Mom recover by taking care of all that important stuff like making dinner, cleaning, and watching me so Mom could take a shower.

Here is the message one of the nurses, Carol, wrote for Mom, Dad, and me the second day of being in the hospital. All the nurses were really nice eventhough I didn't really like getting my "vitals" checked but I know they were just doing their job.

This is Mom and I just hanging out in our recovery room. I think she was trying to talk me into eating some breakfast.

Here is my first day home, I love being swaddled and then put in my Boppy pillow, it's a great place to catch some zzz's.

This is my second day home, I'm three days old here. Still love the Boppy!

Second day home and Mom and Ninny just gave me my first sponge bath and washed my hair. I didn't care for the sponge bath bacause I got a little cold but the hair wash was quite nice, I especially enjoyed the scalp massage.

Here I am at five days old ... I'm keeping my eyes open more and more now, I'm finally getting used to light but I still can't handle bright sun. I like it when Mom and Dad talk to me in the morning after breakfast.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

T-Minus 1 Day Till Due...

Mom keeps saying I'm due tomorrow ... what does due mean?

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Baby Shower Cleans Up!

Mom and Dad with what I'm assuming is an outfit for me unless it's for that "Daisy" they keep talking about, I'm still not sure if it's an older brother or sister.

Here are some of Mom's friends participating in some strange ritual that involved guessing how big I am and memorizing things, at least that's what I got from in my womb. It was all kind of muffled but I do know there was a lot of laughing.

Mom posing for the camera.

Aunt Joy, Wendy and Karen (aka Lollipop).

Diane, Mom, and Ellinor.

The ever beautiful Dr. Divya Kakaiya.

The ladies around the "Gift Pavillion" playing baby gift bingo. I got a lot of loot so there were many shouts of "Bingo."

So that little rocking horse to the left of Dad, well I guess that was a gift from Daisy, probably trying to suck up. I'm still confused at who Daisy is since I thought I was Mom and Dad's first child, although Daisy could be adopted. No worries though, I'm sure I'm cuter.

Here is a gift from my girlfriend Emily. Yeah I'm not even out of my womb yet and I've got a girlfriend, my reputation is already building.

Dad looking dapper than ever with his Diaper Dude!

Monday, August 20, 2007

7 Months - Close to the finish line

Here is Mom at 7 months. Still cute. Doctors are telling her I'm larger than average which means I'm happy and healthy! Goooo Mom! I'll be coming out of my womb soon so get ready because I can't wait to meet you all.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

It's A Boy!

Here I am, Finnegan McCrea Schmidt, all 1 pound 2 ounces of me. For now anyway, I plan on growing quite a bit.

Here it is, proof I'm a boy, Mom was so wrong! This is looking up at my bum and legs to get the full monty.

Here are my powerful arms, you can tell I've been working on them.

Here I am with my eye's open, I knew it would be a cool creepy picture.

Mom at 5 months

This is Mom, she doesn't know I'm a boy yet but I'll bet you she is still smiling! She's pretty cute but hey I shouldn't be surprised because well I am part of her and I know I'm cute.

In The Beginning

This was in April at 9 weeks. Mom and Dad didn't know who I was yet but I gave them a little show wiggling around. I knew that would get them excited for the 20 week ultrasound to find out what name they could call me.